Preparing for online exams | HiTech2050 College of Animation & VFX


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Preparing for online exams

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Preparing for online exams

The best way to do well on an exam is to plan a study schedule well in advance of the examination date. The following tips and strategies will help you develop good study habits and do well in your courses.

1. Review the course content

If there is anything that is not clear, consult your instructor for assistance through the helpdesk. Put all quizzes, assignments, projects, and midterm dates into your personal calendar. Then, set reminders!

2. Understand the learning platform

Ensure you have downloaded the necessary apps and have sufficient bandwidth to complete online exams and assignments.

3. Take responsibility for your learning

Develop your study skills: create a study schedule, find your study space(s), disable or mute social media and other distractions, break content down, take scheduled breaks, watch video actively and practice on your own.

4. Know your exam type

There are a variety of types of exams and assessments. Know what type you are preparing for: multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, etc. This will help you when learning the material.

Stay on Track

Follow these checklists to make sure you are on track for before, during and after your exam.

The day before

  • • Stick to normal routine
  • • Eat a balanced meal
  • • Go to bed at usual time
  • • Ensure you are well hydrated
  • • Get organized for next day
  • • Set alarm, and set area to finish the exam

During the exam

  • • Read the instructions carefully
  • • If the test format allows read all the questions
  • • Ask instructor specifically about formatting in advance of the test
  • • Check how many marks are available
  • • Answer the question
  • • Use any extra time to check your work

The day of exam

  • • Stay hydrated! Have a supply of fresh water at hand
  • • Ensure you have a quiet space to take the test
  • • Turn off your cell phone or select Airplane Mode
  • • Get set up early so you are online and ready to access the test when it becomes available

After the exam

  • • Breathe
  • • Review your marked test, quiz or exam, if you don’t understand why an answer was marked wrong, ask your teacher
  • • If you did not meet the passing requirement, you will be given another attempt for the exam.
  • • Make sure to review which answers were wrong, watch the video again and prepare yourself fully before using the second attempt.